Thursday, September 24, 2009

Soooo many new gadgets, so little time to learn all of them. Really this blog is my new toy. And it is the best as not many of my other ones let me do what I love best... write!

Today I have to gripe about telemarketers and those annoying people who call your home. I have a right to do this as I used to be one kind of these people. I accepted calls about what my company was selling and then tried to 'sell' the product that they were just calling in to learn about. I made a living doing this for five months before I couldn't do it any more. With the money I earned there I was able to buy a car, a whole new business wardrobe, and put close to nine thousand dollars into savings. The car was bought right after I started. I should have waited for a nicer one, but it served well for the few years I needed it.

But back to telemarketers. There should be a moral code they are expected to keep when they call these poor unsuspecting people up. If it is mentioned that the person has not the funds to participate in the 'wonderful' deal the other person is offering, then they should politely say goodbye and hang up.

Not give a new price for the same thing and offer it with a few new perks! They should not torment the nice person on the other line with a false hope that they will get to their price bracket and all they ever wanted will be theirs for mere pennies!

And they should never talk to someone who just woke up! Obviously the groggy person would do anything to get the chatter to stop, and they are not always in the right frame of mind to just hang up. They can barely string together the thoughts they were programmed with than to think of deviating from such polite programming!

My rant can go on, but I will leave you with that. Thank you for letting me say this about the profession that served me well physically. Mentally it was a moral drain to do it. I was lucky enough to quit with a lot of cash in my pocket after a short time. But I loathe the next person who calls me at five thirty in the morning. Polite programming may just have been overridden! Indeed, I will not soon forget to turn the nasty gadget off anytime soon!

Have a lovely weekend my wonderful friends and family. And chew out any advertiser you see for me, kay? Just for fun. They deserve a healthy dose every once in while. It puts them back on their own personal moral path for a few phone calls. Truly, we all need our moral path to be seen every once in a while.

Luvs and hugs.


1 comment:

  1. Agreed completely! I have been soooo, overwhelmingly frustrated with telemarketers lately. After returning to my home state, and having my telephone installed, I KNOW the phone company gave my name and number to all these people, as, within the first two weeks, I received no less than five (often more) sales calls every single day!!!

    I, too, made good money at it, at one point, but couldn't deal with it. I didn't mind the ones where we were selling legit products, helping people save $$ with their phone bills, etc., but those stupid clubs... ugh, those stupid clubs! I did that for about two weeks... this was over ten years ago, and I was making about twenty bucks an hour, because I have one of those trusting voices... but it was one of those clubs, where the buyers were promised all these great freebies, of which the fine print was never disclosed, and then if they didn't cancel, their credit card was automatically charged. I just couldn't do it, no matter how good the money was. I always pictured my Grandma on the other end of the line, and knew how upset I would be if someone did that to her. Yes, we all have to make a living, but I'd rather make less money, and be able to live with myself!
