Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I received an answer to my latest query today. It has been a while, yes, but I can honestly say that this agent left a very kind rejection for me. It sounded like she was answering me personally, not the many that query her en-mass.

I know by reading over seven hundred blogs that agents have it hard. They stay up late reading a very good many proposals for books that are not all good. Or, in my case, are too similar to other books she already represents. Children's authors and agents love the fictional genre of magic and other worldly creatures, and it is not prudent for an agent to have too many books with elves in them, or she will forget which is which. This is the first time I have run across this in my querying, and after looking at her site, I see what she means. The similarity may not be elves, but there are other things that are the same. I see her point, and don't take her rejection personally. In fact I am grateful for her honesty.

Often times an agent needs to feel like they 'connect' with the book they are selling. It helps them be better able to sell it for their author. And most of us want a great sale. So we humbly take the rejection, and move on politely: "Thank you for your time, I am grateful for your comment," etc.

I am still looking for the agent that will be excited for my book. Perhaps I may send out one more query tomorrow. I hope this next one enjoys the tenor of the book better, AND has no similar projects on the shelves. Though, maybe I will work on shortening the blurb... I do tend to go on and on and on.... I want it perfect.

Sitting still will not get me published. I am off!



  1. Yes, I know when we spoke that you said you didn't know many young adult books, but I did see some commonalities in your summary. I think if you can make sure that publishers know this is something truly different and for a slightly older audience, you'll find success!

  2. As a reader, it does become boring to see so many "copy cat" themes flood the market when a books hits the big time.

    With the popularity of Harry Potter, everywhere you looked there were wizardly magical stories. The Twilight series is now very popular and suddenly every where you look there are vampire stories and even TV programs.

    The challenge is to be different, unique, catch everyone by surprise with a new never thought of thrilling concept. It sounds like your book tries to pull in a possible vampire theme with maybe a magical fantasy world. To some that is a new and unique idea, but as you found with your query, it was not new or unique enough.

    I'm sorry your book fell into the "copy cat" pile with the publisher you queried. I do like the advice Mikoto gave. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

    Have you watched the GI Joe movie yet? It has a lot of sight gags from Star Wars, and it copied things from Fantastic Four. It's just a funny book movie, no break out hit.

    I heard once, that in the music world it is getting harder to write a song that does not sound like one already written.

    That is your challenge now .... to write something that has never been written before, to boldly go where no ----- oh wait, that's been used before. lol

    Good luck, don't quit, "never give up!"

  3. "Never give in! Never surrender!"

    I did mention that Galaxy Quest was one of my favorite movies, didn't I? Spoof on star trek, etc.!


    I am working on the copycat thing. Maybe I will have a hit. Though it is not about witches, or wizards, or vampires, it is set in an urban fantasy world.

    I don't like vampires.
