Monday, September 14, 2009

Regarding Query Etiquette....

Queries... what is the best approach?

Okay. It has been several weeks now, almost three months, and the recent agent I petitioned has yet to answer. Now, did they not get the query I sent them with requested half the book? Or did they not like it? I wish I knew so I could do something about it. Well, nothing if they didn't like it; can't please them all. But I could send it to other agents at the very least. I think I will send to others. It isn't fair that they are sitting on it and not responding. I didn't lie when I sent it; that I was only querying them at the time, but I will be now if I decide to go ahead with this.

Anyone out there that wants to publish a book? I have a new one! Fun, adventure, and lots of clean romance!

Huh. Well maybe I will just go back to querying the regular way... old school... pull out the printer and the ink cartridges, hubby, cause I'm going to plaster the tables with stacks and stacks and stacks.... So sad. I wish all agents were green. All those trees....

Ah well. When you see my book on the shelves, it will be worth it. I will even plant an acre of trees when my novel starts making the money I know it will.

Lots of pretty trees.... Not a tree-hugger, mind you, but they sure are pretty.


  1. Good question, how patient must one be when one is eager for a certain thing to happen? One must follow one's heart, mustn't one?

    Good luck with that one and I look forward to the trees you plan to plant.

  2. Indeed I must.

    And I want a few acres so that the tiny forest will be in my backyard!
