Thursday, September 17, 2009

Someone asked what my favorite movies were while visiting with them the other day. Unprepared for the question, I actually stared at them blankly. I really had nothing to tell them as I truly did not know.

The question made me think how strange it was that I couldn't come up with a single title like that, so when I got home that night, I looked at what we had in our collection, thinking surely that if I liked a movie, I would have made sure I owned it.

After a thorough search through the small drawers and cupboard, I have narrowed the list to five. Here they are:

Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. (He is my favorite actor to play this part)

Cinderella starring Lesley Ann Warren. (She does the meek thing perfectly here)

Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. (I love the idea of having all that time to perfect myself)

Galaxy Quest with Tim Allen and that guy from Monk (I actually saw him here first) and that guy from Harry Potter (Snape; and I saw him here first too). I love those two guys! High-hilarious.

Princess Bride, loved it since I was yea high.

And my very first favorite movie ever...?

The Dark Crystal, this was my first 'scary movie' I was seven and staying the night at someones house at a slumber party. Nightmares for a week until I decided I LOVED IT!!!!

Tell me what you favorite movie is. Do you have more than one?



  1. The dark crystal definitely is one of my favs as well.
    I also loved What dreams may come, Resevoir Dogs, Spirited Away, Brick and so many others.

  2. Ever After
    Princess Bride (classic, I say!)
    Disney's Beauty and the Beast
    Disney's Mulan (love the strong female role!)
    Secret Garden
    Neverending Story

    The 80s had the corner market on good family films, but they've started to turn it around finally. (G-force!) Lifetime network has some good films as well, with a fable-like moral to them that people can relate to.

    I could keep naming good movies, but those are favorites that have stood the test of time. A lot of movies I liked years ago, now seem a little... childish.

  3. I find my favorite movies change with my moods. Each day or each time I am asked my favorite movie, it's a different one. Like you, I am "caught off guard" when asked that question. I do not have a favorite movie like I have a favorite color. I find when I start thinking about movies and what might be my favorite, the list grows and grows, changing and fluctuating. It is always an interesting development. Thanks for the thought provoking and interesting experience.

  4. I am the same with colors, Lisa. Opposite of what you said, that is my worst crux. My favorite color changes everyday according to the mood I am in.

    I appreciate all the many things there are to look at in this world, and each has a fascinating color that brings out the beauty that wouldn't be there in any other color.

    Because of the frog, I was partial to emerald green this week. But when I started this blog, burgundy, or really a deep red was my fav.

    Today I am leaning towards fall colors because of the candy corn candle I dug out of my basement. It smells really sweet. Like candy. Like Halloween. Like orange, and red, and yellow, and gold. Beautiful.
