Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The beginning of Fall is upon us. School starts, weather cools, leaves change, and there are less bugs.

It is a great time of year because it is no longer hot and the weather turns my front yard into the extended living room I always wanted. Time is spent outside as cool breezes blow and the warm sun shines down. I love to take a book out and let the kids run on slow Saturdays, or drag the laptop out to just be in nature while catching up on work. Sometimes I feel like chasing the kids. So I do.

If the weather was wonderful all year, would we give it a second thought? I would like to think that many a day would be spent in the shade of that giant tree out there. Maybe I would finally explore the forest out back (I've only walked it once in the two years I've lived here), and see the wildlife that rarely stray out of the trees.

Wildlife is fun, too.

While driving on our quiet country lane, I saw my first opossum. It was bigger than a large dog, and the tail was icky. But it was the coolest most frightening thing that night as it stared at us while we changed the direction of our car to go around it. Hubby actually slowed down to about five miles per hour for the kids to see too.

A few months before our naked tailed friend, we were on the freeway exit ramp on the way around the loopdeloo, as we call it, when a buck and a doe happened in front of us. Again, Hubby had been going slow for us and we were able to go around them safely. They were beautiful in the pale moonlight that night.

From Arizona, and living there most of my life, I really had not the chance to see the cardinal that our local team boasted as their mascot. Now, three thousand miles away, I have the rare chance to see this magnificent creature at least a few days a week. Shocking red, sharp black features just like the mural. Exquisite.

I also saw my first blue bird, bluejay, and robin (their eggs are blue btw) within the first week of moving here. Squirrels, rabbits, and chipmunks regularly come up to our porch. No I do not feed them, but their interested stares are eagerly returned.

The most frightening animal related circumstance was when my mother came to visit, poor soul. She had been the one driving as we went to a town far away and were coming back late from shopping all day at the boutiques, when an actual wolf ran in front of us. We were going (and I shudder to remember) seventy miles an hour. The brakes hit barely in time, the wild animal ran off into the black forest. Luckily no one was behind us. There was an angel that night, I know.

Today, our wildlife tour was in our own front yard. For the last few days whenever I stepped in certain areas, something would jump away from my foot and then disappear into the thick grass a few feet away from my toes. I would always be too busy with carting the girls around, but this time the bus had already gone, and we were strolling on our way back to the house. So I peered closer. Much closer.

The prettiest emerald green frog with black spots was sitting in the grass as motionless as the blades around it. Truly the dark color was deep and rich. Gorgeous.

I immediately bent down to catch it so I could better identify it. I caught it, but relaxed the hold too quickly and this time it jumped away. I did not see the exact place it landed, and its beautiful camouflage abilities hid it well, despite the excited search my girls and I gave it. Oh well.

The girls loved it. Squealed with delight and we went inside with excitement to find out what fun creature mommy had unsuccessfully caught. It was a Northern Leopard Frog. But honestly, the pictures on the site did not do it justice. They were a muted green, and ours was definitely an emerald dark variety. Too bad I didn't have the camera. I shall have to remember next time to bring it with me. I should have a few more weeks until it starts burrowing due to the inevitable cold that comes upon us every October.

So the hunt begins. My weapon: a digital trap with 7.1 mega pixels.

*not quite so evil chuckle* Mwah Hahaha!


  1. Your a good friend beth. It is the other person who is missing out!

    Love Ya!

  2. OOOOoooo i too love the Fall!! sorry only got to read the first line...got lots to do today!! and a baby cutting teeth!

  3. Okay, so you live in an area teaming with wildlife.

    Fall can be a great season no matter where you live.

    In AZ the mornings are cooler and there is the hint of a promise that the heat of summer is losing it's grip.

    In CA the national parks come alive with the blaze of colors mixed amid the evergreen trees.

    Everywhere the skies are filled with the migration of feathered entertainment, as the summer birds depart and the winter ones arrive.

    It's awesome to imagine living on the edge of a wooded area. Sounds like you have an opportunity to explore and introduce your girls to a whole new world.

    Keep writing, you do have a way with words.

  4. Right about this time in Tucson, we get our wildlife coming out en masse, as well. The rains roll through, and we live by the Santa Cruz river, and this one time of year, it actually begins flowing. With the downfall of the rain, and rising of the water table, the river toads come out to play.
    My neighbor was out watering her plants one morning, and she noticed the dirt was looking peculiar. She looked closer, and a mighty large frog popped out of her flower pot. She screamed the scream of a person scared out of her mind, and we all came running from our houses. This mammoth amphibion was bigger than a softball, almost the size of a football. We found a pail, rounded him up and took him out to the field that separates us from the river. Lots of bugs to eat out there! River toads are poisonous and can cause dogs to feel like they are on a Pink Floyd trip.
    We also have coyote and javelina that walk through our neighborhood. Not to mention the hawks that patrol and keep our pigeon population down to nil. Just dont let the chihuahua out by itself, or you will have served your last hors d'ouvres!

  5. Lol cmckinzie! Toads are scary! What a funny anecdote! Thank you for sharing!

    I never heard about that and the dogs. Interesting.
