Thursday, December 3, 2009

The third theory for the 2012 scare that I have come across is the amazing pole change theory.

This one has nothing to do with the alignment of the planets, but solely the sun.

In 2012, not necessarily in December mind you, but even earlier that year, the earth will reach away from the sun the furthest that it has in over a trillion years. There is also gravity in this theory.

The pull will be so great and centered so perfectly that the already drifting poles <(this is a fact not a theory) will be dramatically pulled to such extents that they will move several thousands of miles and the earth will have an inverted axis.

First, for those of you new to earth's amazing features, the magnetic poles DO NOT align with the earth's rotation axis. Strange, but true needs to do an episode here.

We know for fact that earths magnetic poles have changes a lot over the many years, and a few dramatic inches recently in the last decade. The axis poles have changed a little less, the last dramatic one being over fourteen billion years ago.

Scientists believe they are due for a change.

When the magnetic conversion finally reaches a close enough proximity to the axis pole (remember it is currently getting closer day by day), it is said that the gravity from their meeting will slingshot the magnetic pole around the other side of the axis pole with insane force. The axis pole at that point will be further thrown when earth reaches that furthest point from the sun and the axis, already in turmoil, will then race 180 degrees, throwing the north and south frozen poles to their new places.

As this happens, icebergs, land mass, and water will be in catastrophe as the molten center of the earth wreaks havoc to the earth's surfaces. According to research, there will be three and a half days of a really cool magnetic field during this time. There are possible hypothesis here that say weightlessness may be a possible occurrence.

Now while people are telling you to dig holes and bury guns and provisions and all you can, I wonder if those holes won't simply be crushed between moving rock and glaciers, or melted by molten lava, or washed away by those tsunamis. Of course, they could float into outerspace during this weightless maneuver that will happen... or will the magnetic field have a barrier point?

Theories, hypothesis, mathematical equations and dreaming minds have put all these 'facts' together to come up with these interesting conclusions. I just thought you all might like to know what some of the most intelligent minds in the world have been dreaming up, and how it is supposed to affect our future.

Do with this information what you may. I'm going to go through my pantry and use up the ones that will expire soon. The job market is still down, and I want it fresh in case there is another reason that trips to the store will need to be postponed. That is my own personal crisis. Not sure about the ones dreamed up by everyone else, but I must say, 2012 doesn't look that promising. Hopefully the worst that will happen is that Obama will finally be out... did I say worst? I meant best! ;)

Seriously, why worry about a few years from now when there is so much going on to be worried about now?

Was this scary? Was it right up there with R.L. Stine or Stephen King? Or was it a homorous short story that was an interesting waste of time?

Tomorrow will be the last one on this topic.


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