Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And all that other good stuff!!!

I think the world needs a little bit more of this. Not the sultry seductive kind, but the 'I care and I wanted you to know' kind. How angry can you stay when someone wraps their arms around you and says they're sorry? Trust me, the anger melts faster than ice cream in July.

I chat/talk/text/email/ and speak to many people I know and happily add luvs and hugs to the ends of our conversations. It is a way to pass on that I care and that I will be thinking of them until I see them again. Many return the gesture, but I know that all feel wonderful knowing that someone out there is rooting for their well-being.

My heart is in my well-wishing too. I love those I extend this sentiment to and I want them to know it on at least some level. My heart yearns to know they are okay, and I have no problem expressing that.

A short post today. I just wanted to put it out there if I say this to you, it is meant much heavier than the nonchalant delivery system I've spent years perfecting. See, I don't want to scare you off with the depths of my heart. But I HAVE to let you know how much you mean to me!

If I haven't scared you away, leave a post here. And as always, luvs and hugs and kisses and snuggles and warm wishes!

1139932malesd3lyd.gif rainbow goddess image by trance_clubber
Goddess Gurl


  1. Yay, hugs and loves to you too. Thank you for spreading happiness and keeping a positive attitude. It makes such a difference in life and means A LOT to most people.

  2. Thank you Rachel!

    I feel like sometimes the positive energy I release comes back to me. It always seems to happen when I feel I need it the most. People are amazing creatures, and the love we hold and possess should not be something hidden because of shyness, or the fear of rejection. I love wholly and try to ignore that fear the best I can. It is hard, but worth it when people realize the depths of my love for them and I love how great I make them feel.

    I try not to waste life here. I do it so much more elsewhere (as a kid my hunger to travel was quenched and I have no desire to say... backpack through Europe etc.), but here I think it would be sacrilege to me and who I am. I cannot deny myself this one very important thing.

    I love you Rachel. More than you know and deeper than you'd think. Loves and hugs and wonderfully warm wishes.
