Wednesday, September 25, 2013

To Dream... vigorously, wholly, and fantastically!

Writing is so much fun. Not so much the typing, my hands can do without that, but what I enjoy the most is the dreaming.

How many people can delve into a world before unknown and live in it as real as if they were a true visitor into an actual preexisting place? A true visionary makes the best sort of story tellers. I hope to rise to such a level as I write. I see the world, now it's time to put it on paper and make the characters seem as real there as they do in my mind's eye.

Experience is the best writer. How then do most people create worlds that don't exist in nature? Experience can come in many forms though. A real dream, a daydream, a nightmare even can bring up the most inviting and awesome experiences. A mind's trained eye can tell you what you should or ought to be experiencing far better than if you just 'make up' a situation. No, it is far better to dream a reality, to participate in it and delve into the underbelly of a dream with the vigor of a ravenous consuming beast.

So I leave for a bit. I am determined to tame that beast and swallow up every tidbit of reality that comes with it. Full founded characters are more than meets the eye in life, why not in dreams as well.  Farewell this world. I shall return when I have the experience of a lifetime to share with you!


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