Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm not an expert.

Square USA Flag 

I'm not an expert, but life sure seems to be throwing curveballs at America lately. And she just keeps right on missing them.

It's true I'm not an expert, but I believe the original creators of what's left of our current government knew the difference between right and wrong.

I’m not an expert, but the government in this fine country isn’t quite what it used to be. It certainly does seem different than portrayed to us in our school lessons.

I mean, I’m not an expert, but most civilizations started to decline after 200 years because the people expected more from their government than it was designed to do. I’m not an expert, but I don’t think a person should demand more from a government than what it was established for.

I’m not an expert, but I thought government was solely supposed to govern violence and keep the peace.
I’m not an expert, but people shouldn’t be expecting a government to feed, cloth, and administer healing to them. I’m not an expert, but I thought that wasn’t in the job description when the government first took the job. That just doesn’t seem right.

I mean, I wasn’t there so I don’t really know, but I was taught that people should make a living for themselves, not ask Caesar to pay their bills.

I mean, if I was offered a job with certain duties to uphold, I would expect to ONLY do those duties specified. There is usually no clause that says: “At any time in the future will you be asked to save this corporation from incredible debt that it incurred itself, and also pay for all other employee’s paychecks and housing and food bills and health bills.” I don’t know about you, but there is NO WAY I would sign up for a job like that!

I’m not an expert, but I don’t remember any patriots in the first war against Britain asking for all that, no demanding all that when the government was first created. I mean, I’m not an expert, but I think I remember them doing their OWN businesses to make this a thriving country. I’m no expert, but “The American Way” always meant "THE HARD WORK WAY" and "THE FREEDOM TO WORK THAT HARD" to me. I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure I learned that as a child, I mean I think so….

I’m not an expert, but shouldn’t different people working in the SAME government TALK to each other? They both look like adults to me. If I were their mommy (Reid and Obama’s), and I’m not an expert, but I’d be putting them BOTH in time-out until they resolved their issues, IN A REAL CORNER, none of this, ‘pout-and-be-about’ stuff, no siree. But I’m not an expert at poli-dick-ing around.

I’m not an expert, but to me a country of FREE PEOPLE does not mean taking away our choices, no matter how much someone else disagrees with them.

I’m not an expert, but if one loves their country, they shouldn’t try to take advantage of its government. I’m no expert, but I thought the saying was “Service rendered”, not “Service Gained”....

I’m not an expert, but I was raised to speak, think, and act for myself. I’m not an expert, but taking these away from me does not give me the proclaimed freedom in our constitution. I’m not an expert, but saying I cannot have a gun is expressly inherent to that freedom to choose to have one. I’m not an expert, but that freedom goes with choice for anything that doesn’t hurt anyone. I’m not an expert, but I was taught what the difference in that was….

I’m not an expert, but when I see children in the public school systems (yes I was raised in one too) I see followers, not leaders. I’m not an expert, but the world seems to work better when we have more of the latter.

I’m not an expert. You cannot take this as if it was from one. I am just me, a citizen of a country that is both fiscally and morally bankrupt.

But again, that’s just my opinion. I’m not an expert after all.

Then again... I do know the difference between right and wrong.

 We all should.


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