Monday, November 4, 2013

~I am CHRISTIAN. Hear me ROAR~

Pepsi's new cans have the picture of the empire state building and the pledge of allegiance. The pledge leaves out 2 little words:

"Under God"

When questioned, Pepsi said they, "Do not wish to offend anyone."

So when we don't buy their product they won't be offended when they don't receive a few little bills of ours that say "In God We Trust".

Oh please let this not be true... This country was MADE so we don't have to worry about our religious beliefs, so we could display our ideas ALL OVER THE PLACE if we wanted to. Now that right has been taken away!!!!! We're supposed to worry about offending someone?!?!!?! IT'S OFFENSIVE that I have to worry about you being Offended over something that is IMPORTANT TO ME!!! IT is MY RIGHT to proclaim my worship of my Father in Heaven!!! I have the right not to feel I have to CENSURE MYSELF for YOU!!!!! Censure YOURSELF< and let me BE ME!!!!! WHATEVER MY BELIEF, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE OFFENDED or believe that I even WISH TO OFFEND YOU!!!! WHAT AN EGO YOU MUST HAVE TO THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME!!!!


OR, is it that are you THAT INSECURE!?!!!?!?
You say to profess non-god so I don't OFFEND YOU WITH MY BELIEF???! I AM OFFENDED BY YOURS ONLY BECAUSE YOUR BELIEF IS TAKING MY RIGHT TO PROCLAIM MINE IN EVERY WAY!!!!  WHY ARE YOU OFFENDED anyway!?!?!?!?!? ARE YOU THAT insecure in your belief that my belief will totally over power yours if I simply State it on something so innate as a SODA CAN?!!?!?!? THIS COUNTRY WAS MADE FOR ME TO PROCLAIM MYSELF ANYWHERE!!!!  This country was FORMED AROUND GOD to WORSHIP my GOD in any way I see fit!!! I see fit to proclaim it on my soda can without you being offended about MY BELIEFS!!!!!! I SEE FIT TO PROCLAIM MY BELIEF IN THE PLEDGE THAT BROUGHT YOU THIS FREE COUNTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! IN the CONSTITUTION that GAVE you a FREE country in THE FIRST PLACE!!!! YOU WOULD NOT BE HERE TO BE OFFENDED IF NOT FOR self proclaiming CHRISTIANS { L I K E   M E !!! } DESIRING TO PROCLAIM THEIR BELIEFS WITHOUT FEELING CENSURED in any way shape or form!!!!!

THIS is the FREE RIGHT you have TAKEN away from me that BLOOD has been spilled for and over! I WANT THAT RIGHT BACK RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

GOD was here FIRST!!! You want an atheist country, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! Stop changing THIS ONE MADE ESPECIALLY FOR MY  RIGHT TO WORSHIP to MY GOD full of HIS chosen FOLLOWERS!!!!! GET YOUR OWN damned COUNTRY and stop making me feel like I need to censure MY RIGHTFUL BELIEFS for you INSECURE yet EGOTISTICAL little COWARD!!!! (Yes I know the insane contradiction there, BUT YOU ARE THE ONE BEING CONTRADICTORY!!!!)

This country has DONE TOO MUCH ALREADY TO INSURE ME MY RIGHT than for you too take away my right not to worry about YOU BEING OFFENDED BY MY PROCLAIMED BELIEF!!! YOU are the STRANGER HERE you ungodly-demon praying on us god worshiping CHRISTIANS!!!! YOU  Insecure IDIOT LEAVE ME ALONE! I am NOT offended by your belief, only that you are too ignorant and insecure to face me when I proclaim mine other than to say I am wrong and try to make me feel as if I've done something wrong for PROCLAIMING MY BELIEF!!!! I WILL N O T BE INTIMIDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Because face it, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME MY BELIEF IS WRONG or be offended that I have a belief in God WHEN THIS COUNTRY was specifically created FOR MY RIGHT TO PROCLAIM MY WORSHIP TO MY GOD!!!!!

THIS is the reason we became a country in the FIRST place!!!! All that this country was created for is Being taken away by your TYRANNY!!!!!!! UGH!!! YOU MAKE ME SICK!!!!!

I just want what my christian forefathers promised me with their BLOOD. Freedom. Freedom not to feel censured. Freedom to proclaim without anyone trying to tell me I am wrong. Freedom to worship how where or what I may in the country that was created around MY HEAVENLY FATHER in the first place. You have no right to take away my freedom. Stop trying to take away my right to profess my belief with your ungodly raised eyebrows that are only securing your fate in that awful place reserved for those who deny Him and His Love.

I care about you as a person. I value your right to believe your way. I WILL NOT Censure you or make you feel censured in your right to proclaim your belief. I have integrity there. Which is more than I can say to most of you that prefer atheism. The right to choose is sacred, and should not come with addendums or reservations when it comes to proclaiming that that choice.

Stop putting on me what I would never put upon you. Tyranny is something I will fight about. You start with my religious beliefs... then to my proclaiming my beliefs... where will it end... in your desire to control the world? 

Wasn't one Hitler bad enough?

I will fight back and add to that blood spilled by those courageous men if needed. But be forewarned: It will not be mine that is spilled. I will WIN. 

... Because I have that-being-you-wish-me-not-to-reference fully on my side.

May God Bless your immortal soul and lead you to His perfect paths before it is too late.


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