Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sleep... what's that?

Hmm another sleepless night. Oh whatever is there to do....

Let's see, we can......:

Create an event on FB and invite people to it (check)
Run around between texts and phone calls and the event made's posts until you're cross-eyed and your fingers are stiff (check)
Make a turkey that won't be done until... oh some odd hours (check)
Add potatoes to pot of said Turkey and throw in oven (check)
Piss off a sister-in-law without meaning to (check)
Make plans to go to the temple (check)
Read a post about birds turning to stone in a real lake somewhere talking about something like recalcification? (check)
Google re-calcification a realize you spelled it wrong (check)
Read a post about centipede venom in china and the pain relief if can give humans with the same results as Morphine without actually being morphine so being safer and better (check check check)
Realize you are allergic to morphine and get depressed thinking there is nothing to help your chronic pain (check)
Realize it says "in a class of its own" and relax about aforementioned allergy and start hoping the doctors can figure it out soon again (check)
Write aforementioned sister-in-law an apology letter once hands uncurl from pain, even though you didn't upset her on purpose (check)
Feel immediately better about oneself (check)
Text people while thinking that they're awesome and think that they think you're awesome too (check)
Cuddle baby who wakes up with a bad tummy cause she had chocolate when you weren't looking because 'it's just so yummy mommy' and she knows she is allergic to chocolate but kiss and hug her anyways and make her take Benedryl for the swelling in her lips and rash she is already trying to itch (check)
Double remind baby not to steal Chocolate and the repercussions for stealing anything (Check)
Hug and kiss baby anyways and tell her you love her and you're the one who is sorry that SHE stole the chocolate in the first place (check)
Listen to baby swear she will never ever ever never ever eat chocolate again as long as her whole life lives (check)
Know she will probably do it again in the near future besides this fervent plea to "not feel this way" (check)
Tell baby after 5 minutes she has to sit next to you because she put your leg to sleep and that since she is up she may as well do some schoolwork until she is able to sleep again (Check)
Read a post about sodium deficiency and remember that you have one (check)
Pull out Ruffles with ridges potato chips to feed that deficiency with only a little bit of guilt (check)
Make mental note to drink a Gatorade each day for the next week to help with said deficiency (check)
Blow absent-mindedly on freezing, curling fingers (check)
Remember t hat said fingers are not supposed to be that shade of purpley-blue (check)
Grab portable hand warmers and slip under gloves to bring heat back to the veins (check)
Wonder if your lips are blue too (check)
Think about how you'd like to warm said lips (check)
Blush at the thought that best suits you (check)
Suddenly be glad that kid you are cuddling cannot read said thought (check)
Wonder when you're going to get church poster done (check)
Wonder where that darn iron is (check)
Grumble that its not REALLy your fault its not done yet but that you're waiting for an email with the A-ok to proceed (Check)
Know that it IS your fault and you are just using the email idea as a thin scapegoat (check)
Feel bad (check check check)
Do nothing about it because its almost 1 in the morning now (check)
Send kid back to bed with lots of hugs and kisses and praises that she did some school work all the while reminding her that if she doesn't like feeling like this she needs to stay away from things that bother her allergies (check)
Decide you are tired and wonder about that darn turkey you started (check)
Research Kimber Academy in Arizona because you saw it on a post in your FB window (check)
Think that they're a totally awesome and morally aware school that you would love love LOVE to send your children to (check)
Get depressed they're only in Arizona and you're thousands of miles away (Check)
Start using your elbows to navigate the mouse because fingers hurt sooo much (check)
Wonder how long you can handle typing with just one finger (check)
Hear timer on stove beep and remember that gosh darn turkey again (check)
Pull it out only to immediately go through and pull off all the good meat with stiff pained hands. (Check)
Curse said stiff pained hands without using curse words (check)
Come back to computer when turkey is put away and read what you already typed (Check)

Well, lets just PRETEND that these are items you can do when sleep doesn't come ;)

Pretty sure there are better ways to spend one's time though. Take it from someone who didn't find any of those better ways ;)

Well maybe one...

....Goes into bedroom to kiss babies on foreheads and remind them she loves them very much. <3 p="">
Check and double Check.

Goodnight world. May your sleep habits fare better than mine tonight.


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