I have written a third novel. It is so far named "GrrrrrRibbit!!!". I had so much fun writing it. It is in a completely different Genre than my 'Jewel'ed series. Middle grade fiction was a blast to do!
I now get to start the editing process and try to think up a quick blurb for it.
I am excited to have yet another book done. I am hopeful that this one will get better responses than my young adult one. Perhaps I do better with younger minds ;D. We shall see if an agent agrees in a few months or so. For now, I get to reread the lovely book again purely for editing! Whoot whoop!!!
Anyone who knows my blog by now knows full well I LOVE writing and reading. It is a wonderful feeling to do what I enjoy :D. I hope you all get such satisfaction with at least one thing in your life.
hugs and luvs and know I am thinking about you ^_^
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