A tidbit from my day.
After stoking the fire and putting in tons of easily flammable kindling, the fire still would not take a good effect. The girls are watching, excited over every little thing Daddy does, but knowing something is not right since it won't light.
Daddy then smartly bends over to breathe on it, blowing rather hard to help it along. Suddenly flames burst forth and all the kindling is devoured almost instantly, the logs catch on right behind it. The silence lasts for ten seconds and the girls faces are priceless.
Then the exclamation: WOW!!!! I didn't know Daddy was part DRAGON!!!!!!!!
The other: AWESOME!!!!!! Daddy, you can light all the fires in Barbie's castle now!
The ensuing giggles were heard deep into the night. I didn't have the heart to remind them that Barbie's fires were lit by the dragon Penelope and her father. Mmmm my girls ^_^
Mommy is part witch (born on Halloween)/leprechaun (turns milk green on St. Patty's Day), and Daddy is part Dragon. What a fun mixed breed the girls are turning out to be ;)
I cannot wait to tell them weirdness is inherited... :D
I started another book. A sequel to my frog one, it is already an instant hit. My daughters are very excited to find out what happens to Crystal and Jake now. Lets hope all ends well this time.
I like to write. There is no reason or rhyme for the things I come up with for this blog. These are just fog-covered windows into my life.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Book writing takes a long time. Perhaps not the actual story itself. A story can be as easily done as your hands typing out each word in ease for about a week. Done, a novel. Sometimes that happens for me. My novels are much longer, and I have often needed a month.
However after the initial story, comes the editing, and the querying, and the blurbs and synopsis. Many people are now doing these processes. Writing is no longer an overnight success. Too many people vying for the same place, part, time, and agent all at once.
Many wonderful books are being cast aside right now. Stories that would enlighten uplift and call to a part of you that has yet been addressed are passed over for reasons as simple as no time. No one has time to go over every book everywhere all the time anymore. This begs the question, how does a blurb explicitly convey all a book is capable of holding? My only consolation is that my blurbs do draw in the few out there reading them. Though again, time....
The curse of a very good writer is knowing you are good enough for shelf space, but not finding someone willing to set aside a few more minutes a day to make sure you get there. In a field where any chance of success is so heavily dependent on someone else it gets discouraging after not so very long when the same answer is repeated often.
Hopes for the future are not crushed in me yet. I will plow through as I know my stories are some that belong next to all the others. In one way or another this will not be the end of my writing escapades.
I am writing many stories. This gives me consolation that I will have works put forth some way or another.
So know that I have not given up. I am simply away from here in my efforts to studiously follow up on all avenues in my field of expertise. Soon I hope to give all my readers and supporters the news we all look forward to: I have a publisher.
Soon you will hear this. I am sure of it.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
More Blurbs...
I must admit, this is still my very favorite book. It is hard to put it away completely. I know that if someone would just read it, they would be pleased with the world created within. My other books are fun, but they are not my 'first' book. My baby... here is yet another attempt at a 'blurb' to try to reel someone in. Let me know what you think ;)
I have always been self sacrificing, just ask my clueless cousin; even she sees how insane I am in catering to her. I never realized I would one day ask myself how far I was willing to go. Falling for a man clearly out of my league, I surprise myself when I am head over heals and not even asking questions. Well some questions, just not the right ones. Like, where was this mysterious isle of his and is magic really real?
He just asked of me what I deem as the ultimate sacrifice in order to save both our worlds. I knew I would do my best to save everyone; it was who I was.
However, I wasn’t going to sacrifice this one thing. Whatever the cost, I wasn’t going that far.
I have always been self sacrificing, just ask my clueless cousin; even she sees how insane I am in catering to her. I never realized I would one day ask myself how far I was willing to go. Falling for a man clearly out of my league, I surprise myself when I am head over heals and not even asking questions. Well some questions, just not the right ones. Like, where was this mysterious isle of his and is magic really real?
He just asked of me what I deem as the ultimate sacrifice in order to save both our worlds. I knew I would do my best to save everyone; it was who I was.
However, I wasn’t going to sacrifice this one thing. Whatever the cost, I wasn’t going that far.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
There comes a time in the life of a book where the word 'over-edited' gets used. A book that once made sense and told a brilliant story is suddenly thrust into the shadows of confusion and dark questions. Too many under plots and characters can make a seemingly harmless new 'addition' destroy the whole makeup of what once was a great story.
Back to a 'simpler' time, I have brought out the book it was before. Sub plots are ok sometimes, but without the needed subtleties to carry them through and a 'finishing' touch to them, they are trash.
I love editing, but now know that sometimes I can go too far.
I love learning. Just sad to see where one of my books has ended up due to constant nitpicking. The adage "If it's not broke, don't fix it" screams to me every time I open that folder now....
Wish me luck not to repeat this mistake again.
Back to a 'simpler' time, I have brought out the book it was before. Sub plots are ok sometimes, but without the needed subtleties to carry them through and a 'finishing' touch to them, they are trash.
I love editing, but now know that sometimes I can go too far.
I love learning. Just sad to see where one of my books has ended up due to constant nitpicking. The adage "If it's not broke, don't fix it" screams to me every time I open that folder now....
Wish me luck not to repeat this mistake again.
Friday, July 16, 2010
A borderline erotica book just came out with my book's premise... Based almost exactly like mine, but amped up on the sex and make-out scenes. It was released June 2010. I have not read it, but the synopsis is almost exactly like mine.
I emailed the writer. She said that the same thing happened to her once. It is devastating to work on something for so long only to find that someone has 'been there, done that' before you.
My consolation is that I have other books I can focus entirely on instead. Hopefully they are not out there for people to think about... hopefully I will have an 'original' original. Dreams are ever varied and perhaps I can find one undreamed.
Wish me luck as I go on further in my endeavors to publish a book and make a world entirely unique and simply wonderful.
I emailed the writer. She said that the same thing happened to her once. It is devastating to work on something for so long only to find that someone has 'been there, done that' before you.
My consolation is that I have other books I can focus entirely on instead. Hopefully they are not out there for people to think about... hopefully I will have an 'original' original. Dreams are ever varied and perhaps I can find one undreamed.
Wish me luck as I go on further in my endeavors to publish a book and make a world entirely unique and simply wonderful.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I recently found a new voice for my book. It is still Julia's voice, but now it has more history, more information establishing my heroine. I am excited and will now endeavor to revamp the rest of the book in this new style I have discovered. My other books are lovely and have their own voice as well. This one was seriously lacking what was needed to draw one in. It was a great story, especially for my first novel... just seriously lacking. I now believe this new revamp will bring exactly what I thought was missing.
And now I am off to write!
And now I am off to write!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I have written a third novel. It is so far named "GrrrrrRibbit!!!". I had so much fun writing it. It is in a completely different Genre than my 'Jewel'ed series. Middle grade fiction was a blast to do!
I now get to start the editing process and try to think up a quick blurb for it.
I am excited to have yet another book done. I am hopeful that this one will get better responses than my young adult one. Perhaps I do better with younger minds ;D. We shall see if an agent agrees in a few months or so. For now, I get to reread the lovely book again purely for editing! Whoot whoop!!!
Anyone who knows my blog by now knows full well I LOVE writing and reading. It is a wonderful feeling to do what I enjoy :D. I hope you all get such satisfaction with at least one thing in your life.
hugs and luvs and know I am thinking about you ^_^
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I said that I knew how to say 'hello' in several different languages. I think I do.
I used to work in a store that had many different people from several diverse backgrounds visit it frequently. I thought, one day when I was young and eager to please everybody, how great it would be if I could greet everybody in their native tongue. The idea was so exciting for me, I immediately went about asking everybody where they were from, and what the general greeting was in their native land. Sometimes I just asked for the translation for 'Hello. How are you.' Now, remember, they were all regulars, so they liked my idea and were very gracious for the eager young student, and taught me pronunciation. Pronunciation means only how to say it. I never did learn how to 'spell' in anything other than the English sounds. No cool characters, just the tongue, throat and mouth to help. So most of them will look butchered (And I rightly apologize to everyone out there), but you should have perfect pronunciation for the ones not spelled correctly.
Here goes:
1.) Aafricans: Alafia.
2.) Apache Native American: Hon duh.
3.) Arabic: Harleh shumur chetoreh.
4.) Bengoli: Namwash karkemohnachee?
5.) Czech: Hada sha?
6.) Chinese: Nee hao.
or: Nee hao mah.
7.) Chomara: Half a day.
8.) Cuban: Ebo roo.
9.) Dutch: Halo hoe gaat het er mee (sp: hoo hat heter ma)
10.) Danish: Hej hvordan gaar det
or: Hej, hvordan har du det
11.) Egyptian Arabic: Majaba Lamatz.
12.) Farsi: Allan wasalahn.
13.) Finish: Tervay meeta cooloo.
14.) French: Bonjour. Comment Alle Vou?
15.) Gaelic: Kimir Aha shive.
16.) German: Halo. Vie gates?
17.) Greek: Yia sou ti kanete?
respond: Imai poly kala essi (Im fine, and you?)
last: Kala kala efcharisto (Fine fine thanks.)
18.) Hebrew: Shallohm.
19.) Hindi: Namastae.
20.) India(n): Kemchoh.
21.) Italian: Bien venudo?
22.) Japanese: for morning only; Ohaiyo Gonzaimasoo.
around noon only; Koneecheewa.
afternoon or evening; Konbanwa.
23.) Korean: to child; On Yong.
to someone the same age; On yong Hasayo.
to someone older (respectively given); On yong hasho meeka.
24.) Lakota (sioux native american): Haukola.
25.) Lebonese: Halo. Marhaba.
26.) Muslim: As salaam aliakum.
27.) Mylasian: Apa khabar.
28.) Navaho: Yata hay.
sometimes: Huh lund et hah.
29.) Persian: Shallohm.
30.) Different dialect, Persian: Sallam chitor ahstee.
31.) Philipino: Como sta?
32.) Polish: Yak sheemash.
33.) Punjabe: Keyhalheh.
34.) Romainian:Boona zee you.
35.) Russian: Dristae Kakoovazdoo-lah?
Also Russian: Previat.
36.) Samoan: Talohfa.
37.) Somalian: Iska warahn.
38.) Dif dialect Somalian: Sidee tahay.
39.) Sotho: Doo mayla.
40.) Spain(ish): Bien Dia.
41.) Spanish (Espanol): Hola Como Estas?
42.) Swahili: Woo hon ditz.
43.) Swedish: Tak.
44.) Tagalog: Kamusta ka.
45.) Ty: Sawadee.
46.) Varu: Malayalam.
47.) Vietnamese: Quiakom.
48.) Dif dialect Vietnamese: Dow Cole.
49.) Third Dialect Vietnamese: Malayalam.
50.) Yugoslavien: Zdravo kakosee.
51.) Yugoslavick: Kako stevie.
52.) Tribal Zulu: Coonjohnee.
53.) Xhosa (one lang in south Africa) Molo (to one person) Molweni (if many people)
54.) Zulu: San Bonanee.
Oops. It looks like I can only remember fifty four languages. That means I forgot about three different ones. Oh well. The mind is a slippery thing....
I thought it was really cool that although people came from the same country, they said their greetings differently within it. The only sure different one I knew before was Mandarin and Kantonese Chinese. But India alone has close to forty different languages. Now I am learning that every country has many unique diversities within it. Of course I grew up knowing the US has Native Americans that speak differently, but I was ignorant to realize that many people outside our country saw them as other dialects within our country (not all, many do know the difference between English and Cherokee). Zulu and tribal Zulu are completely different races as well. This is very interesting to me. Even now I enjoy seeing how truly diverse our languages are. Absolute fun.
I also learned several other things to say in a few of these languages. Though I never learned a whole one, it was fun to try to speak to my friends as one of their own.
Japanese: Keemeewa kawaii -I think you are cute.
Chinese: Nee hun koo I -You are cute.
Hindi: Boh hooserahs -You are good looking.
German: Ich leebee deech -I love you.
French: Je te aime -I love you.
Do you like diversity? I know that it can get annoying when you are in the US and Spanish greets you on the phone, but it can be fun, too. The next time that Spanish greets you, be very serious and say;
Lo siento no comprendo.
See if you make them halt as you answer 'sorry' that you 'can't understand Spanish' while speaking fluent Espanol! I love doing that to people! As a fair haired person, I often get looked over when people think about intelligence.
I.E. I spoke perfect Russian to my movers when they arrived here with my stuff from Arizona. Shocked them! They both looked chagrined and spoke in English for me for the rest of the time they were in my presence. I knew they had said something awful, or at the very least not so nice, and I let them think I knew exactly what it was. They will never know I only knew 'hello how are you', and then 'goodbye' as I spoke only those two phrases in their perfect fluent tongue.
They did ask about my perfect pronunciation. I answered I had a very close friend that lived there most of her life. It was true. I worked with the lady at that job I mentioned. She was very kind to let me pick her brain. I am so glad I did. Those movers were much nicer afterward!
I like to believe good of people. Maybe it let them feel happy that someone took the time to speak to them in their native tongue. Some of my friends in the states have mentioned that they miss their home country even though they are glad to be here. I was glad to be able to give them at least a greeting. The smiles I got were great, and made me feel all warm inside. I hope when I travel, if I am poor in speaking the beautiful languages around me(that I will study studiously before I go), I will get the same attitude I give. Culture is precious. I hope people don't hate me for mine, despite those out there that give us Americans a poor rep. I care. I know we don't 'rule'. But I am glad to be one. Just as everyone should be proud of their heritage.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
This stage has ended. Time to figure out another way.
I know that many of the rejections are what they call 'form rejections'. This means that it was not worth the time to tell me it was awful personally, and that the rejection I received has been given to many many people out there. Not my favorite form of rejection, but it was an answer.
Many agents were quite courteous. Much more so than I was told to expect, and mostly said their plate was full and that they simply had too many clients to take on more at this time, or that my genre did not 'speak' to them at this time.
I did get a few coveted emails that said my query was intriguing, or interesting. I am hoping to find someone who has the time and thinks it is great. Of course, so is every other writer out there....
If any of you have read the book and think it isn't going to sell, let me know why. I am starting new renovations to send off to those 'form' rejection happy people. I am trying to 'knock' some socks off here and want it stunning and fantastic.
If anyone wants to give me their Email, send it on my Facebook inbox. I will start sending chapters along so you may at least read my awesome book.
And I am off! Wish me luck in my next endeavors!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Ever changing blurbs.... hehehehe This truly is fun, but I am ready to be published now, and my other books are more fun to finish than this. Please send prayers that the agents like my stuff too!!!
Julia is a nonhuman. She just doesn’t know it yet.
The second day aboard the cruise ship, Julia is regaled by the horror stories of a country nearby in serious war. A missing heir is the reclusive trio’s plight and they are actively researching a few of the liner’s resident crew members for four years now in hopes of finally restoring peace to their little country. Julia is intrigued in their efforts and offers help, until her cousin becomes the next victim to the mysterious plague befalling the guests. As imminent death approaches, Julia sees red. Literally. The trio is suddenly certain their heir is aboard now. And so is someone else, as Julia just made a few hit lists. Hopefully her suddenly elusive memory catches up with her before it is too late, and surely it would explain why the handsome reclusive royal is suddenly following her with that pinched look on his face.
At least she is not nonhuman anymore. No, now she’s inhuman; and in possession of all the knowledge that comes with being one.
Hopefully Julia Violet-Dawn Fairchild, aka Jewels, will be a name that will be uttered world wide soon!!!!
Julia is a nonhuman. She just doesn’t know it yet.
The second day aboard the cruise ship, Julia is regaled by the horror stories of a country nearby in serious war. A missing heir is the reclusive trio’s plight and they are actively researching a few of the liner’s resident crew members for four years now in hopes of finally restoring peace to their little country. Julia is intrigued in their efforts and offers help, until her cousin becomes the next victim to the mysterious plague befalling the guests. As imminent death approaches, Julia sees red. Literally. The trio is suddenly certain their heir is aboard now. And so is someone else, as Julia just made a few hit lists. Hopefully her suddenly elusive memory catches up with her before it is too late, and surely it would explain why the handsome reclusive royal is suddenly following her with that pinched look on his face.
At least she is not nonhuman anymore. No, now she’s inhuman; and in possession of all the knowledge that comes with being one.
Hopefully Julia Violet-Dawn Fairchild, aka Jewels, will be a name that will be uttered world wide soon!!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
And as always happens when I write... I went over board! I have all these different versions for a query as well. I am however keeping a few things the same in each... I just love those lines!!!!
Julia is a nonhuman. She just doesn’t know it yet.
When a cruise ship’s guests suddenly start falling victim to a mysterious plague, Julia starts wondering about the reclusive royal trio that has been following her around ever since she boarded. Her suspicions get lost when her cousin, her last living relative, falls ill as well. The death toll rises and Julia succumbs to the bereavement that had been threatening her for days only to find she is seeing red and growing warm. Literally. Now the royals are popping up everywhere and suddenly her cousin is healed. Julia is about to get to the bottom of things. One pointed ear at a time.
At least she’s not nonhuman anymore. No now she’s inhuman, and in possession of all the knowledge that comes with being one. Hopefully it will be enough.
Julia is a nonhuman. She just doesn’t know it yet.
Once she learns this, chaos breaks out aboard the cruise ship she’s on. After memory lapses, mysterious plagues, and odd, almost magical activities, she not only finds her life threatened by beings that she never even knew existed before, but also madly in love with one of them.
At least she’s not nonhuman anymore. No now she’s inhuman, and in possession of all the knowledge that comes with being one.
Julia is a nonhuman. She just doesn’t know it yet.
Pretending flawlessly that she is actually happy in the frozen north, Julia sends her cousin/guardian off to the cruise ship's spa for the day, leaving Julia on her own to explore the ship's inner bowels. What she uncovers is more than she ever wanted. As the new world declares that Julia is their long foretold savior, she is already thinking of retreating. She falters in the bolt however when she falls in love with one of the forbidden creatures.
No longer a nonhuman, she's an inhuman; and in possession of all the knowledge that comes with being one. Hopefully it will be enough to at least... survive.
Now you all know I have more. ;) But these were a few of the edited ones. So which is the best? :D
Vote below in comments ;)
Okay. Last one was read and liked, but no takers... just little nibblers feasting on the words. Thus, I have written a new query. Let's hope this one is sufficiently delicious to finish the meal with a request! Wish me luck!
Julia is a nonhuman. She just doesn't know it yet.
Pretending flawlessly that she is actually happy in the frozen north, Julia sends her cousin/guardian off to the cruise ship's spa for the day, leaving Julia on her own to explore the ship's inner bowels. What she uncovers is more than she ever wanted. As the new world declares that Julia is their long foretold savior, she is already thinking of retreating. She falters in the bolt however when she falls in love with one of the forbidden creatures.
No longer a nonhuman, she's an inhuman; and in possession of all the knowledge that comes with being one. Hopefully it will be enough to at least... survive.
*Crosses fingers!!!*
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Chapters one through five of my book are reedited for the hundredth time. And now, to make it worse, I've readded a scene I took out months ago. I really really liked it!!! hahahaha More work for me now! whoot whoop! I enjoy writing too much. lol
Now I need more opinions... does the new/that-was-once-old scene still fit??? Hmmm! I am excited to find out! those of you wanting the newer version, please let me know!!! Please email me on FB inbox your email addy you want it sent to :) And as always... THANK YOU!!!!!
Now I need more opinions... does the new/that-was-once-old scene still fit??? Hmmm! I am excited to find out! those of you wanting the newer version, please let me know!!! Please email me on FB inbox your email addy you want it sent to :) And as always... THANK YOU!!!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wanted: Critical, Nitpicky, Analytical, Readers!
I am having fun sharing the first chapter with people!!! I am asking for feedback and most have been very cooperative and wonderful!
I am willing... for a few of you who are interested... I would like to send out the first chapter for feedback. Edit, fix storyline for me... etc. I am interested in making it perfect. Do not tell me that it just doesn't bring you in, explain why, or what you would like to see. I am only sharing with serious people who are willing to help me perfect this. This is my future livelihood, please be terribly objective. :D
Okay! waiting for people to ask!
(Disclaimer: If I am not positive you will help me, or think you will only give me praise, or fear fraud, chapter will be refused for you.)
Have a great day!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Holidays and colds have been keeping me from posting as much as I would like to. I beg your forgiveness for those of you clamoring for more. I shall do my best to satiate your thirst. ;)
The protagonists from my first book have been speaking to me again. I have started the third book in the series involving the Jewel. Joshua and Julia are now dancing across white pages and splattering their story with fantastic finesse. -Despite the from/form typos etc., of my very eager fingers. ;)
What a lovely way to start a day!
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