Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This is not posted to start a mass riot, or make you gather hordes of supplies that you may or may not need. This is just something that I have been hearing a lot about and decided to finally comment on. Take as you will. ;)

Part one:
 The picture shows part of the Strategic National Stockpile with emergency medical supplies stretching hundreds of feet.
Stockpile of medical supplies

There is a warning for those of you that are easily 'spooked' by stuff like this:

Read at your own risk.

Another Y2K scare is making its rounds and people are starting to stockpile necessities. Only this time, it's not being called Y2K; it's being called 2012, and the hysteria is much worse than a bug in a computer. This one is environmental as much as it is spiritual and ancient. More people are scared for many more different reasons. Mostly because any of the hype surrounding it is actually believable.

First, you must realize that the fear over the year 2012 comes from many different sects with many different theories about what will actually happen. After scouring the Internet on this subject for months, I can honestly say that I have a pretty good idea what these theories are.

The first is solely scientifically based:

In the year 2012, the planets and sun will align in perfect synchronization for about thirty seconds. This is fact, and it is documented in science buildings across the world. The hypothesis about the effects, however, are as astounding as they are scary. The almost science/fictional reality has people running around screaming 'doomsday' at every turn.

The reason I'm actually writing about it is because there are a lot more of them than ever before. And not all of them are certifiable nuts this time.

Some believe that the gravitational pull from this once-in-a-million-years alignment will cause severe damage to this planet that we call home. Many of the most intelligent minds around have gotten together to discuss this seriously. Their conclusions are heart-stopping.

They have decided that anywhere from seventy percent to one hundred percent of the earth will be severely destroyed by natural disasters and earth quakes. All are convinced that advanced society as we know it will be wiped out and that only those prepared have a chance of making it.

The gravitational pull is said to cause tsunamis and earthquakes, and interrupt the natural stages of the world's volcanoes, causing them to explode simultaneously. The whole earth may even be ripped apart by the immense gravitational pull of the larger celestial bodies surrounding us. We could be wiped out altogether.

There are mathematical figures for this that pretty much confirm exactly that. I'm sorry, I don't have them with me at the moment (double checks and pats down her pockets). Nope.

Another scientific theory is that the sun at that time will have an incredible solar flair that will scorch the planets' surfaces and kill all life on ours for miles into the earths crust. Nothing will survive in this theory either, and there is more of that math involved.

What I found really interesting is that several of the world powers have known about this for decades (1979 being one of the earliest I remember at the moment), and while these theories insist that there is no safe place to hide, many countries have decided they don't think it will be as devastating as the numbers suggest. They are currently taking many precautions to be 'safe' through the disaster and stock piling provisions to survive in a post modern world. They will have their comforts for years as they wait out what they believe will be righted in a short time. At which point I jokingly ask "Does anyone remember the dinosaurs?" Surely the earth won't heal as fast as they are 'hoping' if this is going to happen.

Of course no one is telling the public because 'we're not intelligent enough to handle such news'.

China (yes the country) has started (not too secretly obviously) building and then burying hundreds of self sufficient bunkers loaded with supplies these last few years in efforts to save as many of their government figures as possible.

This is also going on here; in the United States. The previous bunkers for the president were deemed 'not good enough' and new ones have been started. Oh, but we are not the only ones. Countries across the globe have been doing this for years without the rest of us knowing.

This scare has truly reached some of the most sophisticated people in the world, who have then gone on to do their own research to prove it for themselves, only to concur with what they've already been told. This is 'real' they all insist. Many have even started their own 'the end is coming-let me help you prepare' propaganda for those of us less enlightened.

I don't doubt that something may happen when that alignment occurs, but let me have a little hope that it won't be the Mayan's 'end of the world prophecy' coming to pass. I have a year's supply of food ready... but for very different reasons. It was handy between jobs a few years ago. ;)

This post is merely a comment on fact and fiction. This was an interesting read for me. Definitely a book worth- wait it wasn't a science fiction book; that's right now I remember.
For further information you can google 2012 on your own. Millions of websites. There is too much, however, and I will be commenting on very few parts of it in different blogs.

Tomorrow: Did the Mayans know more than we do?

What do you think about all of this? Will we be wiped out? Will a few manage to survive? Or is this just another over-hyped Y2K scare? I'm eagerly listening.



  1. I...am skeptical. There have been many other dates like this one and nothing has happened. When I google this is seems that maybe 1 out of every 20 sites is NOT trying to capitalize off of this date by either selling books or something else. All this underground stuff doesn't make sense though- like past civilizations having underground stuff- if there was any evidence of this happening before we would have found it. And I don't think going underground will save you AT ALL from major earthquakes and natural disasters. I hope its not true- but maybe I should live a little more the next few years.

  2. I like that. I'm going to 'live a little more' too. It is always good to try to do your best and really be a part of something.

    I've found my writing... now I just have to get more of my work out there. This 'scare' gave me just the right amount of punch to get going.

    But again, I'm not so sure that all civilization will end when man decides it will... Christian; remember? God has his own time table and none of us are supposed to know when that is.

    Great comment Mikoto. I'm pleased for the site you mentioned earlier and its nice to know that I'm not alone in this hype. Don't believe, but want to... 'improve', etc. Thank you!
