Life Happens. Unfortunately.
I am glad it doesn't happen alone. I love you all very much.
It amazes me how fleeting life is. We have all been given the precious gift of life, but few of us are only given a limited amount of time to experience this joy. I miss those that have already gone on.
In this late hour, I find that I am very blessed and felt the need to show my gratitude for such blessings. I truly have the honor of knowing some really great people. I do not know why this is, but I am grateful that there are so many truly wonderful people in my life.
Perhaps it is just me. People have told me on more than one occasion that I have a large heart. I prefer to think that I have just been blessed to know extraordinarily wonderful people. Truly no one has been so greatly blessed with precious acquaintances and friends as I. Each one of you on here I hold in the same high respect. Thank you for helping me with my dream.
Thank you also for being my friend. Know that you are loved, and now even more appreciated as I think how this last one was ripped away so unceremoniously. I hope they know how much I deeply loved them. I think they did. I'm a very expressive person when it comes to my feelings towards people.
I posted a few weeks ago about silver and gold friends. More of you are gold than you likely think. I want you to know this. I know this is a very impersonal way of trying to tell you, and I wish there was a way I could meet with you and take you out to lunch to tell you personally how much you mean in my life, but as I am very far away from most of you, this will have to suffice. If I have you number, expect a call. I am determined.
Truly, whether brief visits on the computer while we chat, or notes left in electronic boxes, or if I have the rare privilege of seeing you new ones here in New York, know that I cherish deeply the chance to be your friend and share a part of your life. Thank you very much for choosing to be in mine. Know that I don't take our friendship-no matter how slight-granted in any way. You are precious to me.
And now more than ever. I love you. Such a strong sentiment, I do NOT mean it lightly. Perhaps this may scare you to hear, but I need to say it more than I need to worry that you never heard it when you're gone (heaven forbid, as I can't bear to lose more of you so soon).
While my eyes mist yet again, know that I rejoice in our friendships. I rejoice wonderfully to see, hear, and think of you.
I need to go now. This has been a very trying night. It makes me happy to remember that heaven is where we will all end up and that I will see them again.
Please remember in my boasting that I don't believe that a God who says He loves us as much as He says he does can possibly have created a place of such punishment as the one referred to with fire and brimstone. Though that may be preferable to the truly evil as they feel the remorse for their actions are worse than a little heat. And if Adolf Hitler wasn't truly evil, I know I will see all my friends in a happier place than this earth.
I wish I had the words tonight to express how I feel in greater depth. I am hurting, and loving all at the same time, and it is hard to find the words to express all I wish to say. Truly, there are not words, I am sure of this. I love you is too weak, and to say you are precious to me is not enough for the feelings that swell within my heart. Tears of gratitude to know you are falling.
I send you luvs and hugs and prayers that you know how precious and loved you are. For truly, deeply you are loved.
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