Monday, September 21, 2009

"...Sing Vienna, as only you can, the songs of the rising tide and the suns of the ocean's deep."

I have never really wanted to travel. I had done so much of it when I was a kid(granted we only visited Canada and Mexico outside the US) that my need to get 'out and see the world' was sufficiently quelled by the time I was seventeen. I am very lucky that my parents took the time every summer to educate us in all that was in our own backyard.

Much older now, and with my own kids to cart around to the various places yet untouched by my personal experience, I have the rest of the world to look at. There are a few places that intrigue me.

Like England and the lush country landscape and beautiful castles and homes to tour. Ireland would be great because I would want to see the forests that inspired faeries and leprechauns into being. China's country sounds gorgeous and I would like to see the pandas and secret villages that have no modern connection and hike the vast landscapes to find the temples scattered throughout.

Perched on the lagoon's tallest islands and sand dunes, Venice sounds like it would be the most fun for me. I would of course ride the gondolas, and see the museums. Maybe see Doge's Palace and the Basilica of San Marcos, even.

However, I would really love to book a tour with the underground excavating teams that dig up watery basements to see what kinds of things have been forgotten in the stories that get buried by the rising tides.

Now, understand that this is not a normal thing available to tourists. Indeed if you asked someone about this they would give you a quizzical look and leave you standing there feeling stupid.

No, this is a wonderful opportunity only available to those who seek the right licenses and permits. Then you have to get permission from the owners to dig up the watery grave that sits beneath them every night. Not going to happen for most. But I can dream.

Exploring the past in these soggy rooms seems to me, fantasy. It was interesting to watch the explorers on TV bring up treasures buried by time. I really would like to go there and get to see that for a few days. It would be the highlight of my traveling.

Sometimes I wonder if I should have been an archaeologist or artifact excavator when I grew up instead of a writer...

No this is so much more fun!


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